
Thank you for looking at the website. My main aim is to bring my poetry and three plays into the public arena.

The Magician of Messkirch, Hölderlin and The Thin-Spun Life are available in book form from www.abebooks.co.uk (please click on the book name link at the beginning of this sentence).

To engage your attention I have included my scientific medical papers (mainly published) to persuade you that this is not another impractical beggar vainly showing off his poetic notions. The two do not directly impinge on each other and exist in separate worlds. The introduction to the poems sets the tone.

Now I am away from medicine my interest in the metaphysics of the poem has taken me over.  This becomes reality, or one form of it, which I believe is essential for world culture.  As such humbly one tries to continue the tradition of Mandelstam, Tsvetaeva, Auden and Brodsky though the poetry is uninfluenced by them.

Preface to Poetry

Poetry and science may seem strange bedfellows (although not poetry and medicine after Dr Zhivago) but they both seek to build bridges across the abyss of modern life. Why abyss you ask? Well, every life ends tragically sooner or later and does not the world press on us all?

The inestimable advantage of the poet is he works in isolation. Nowadays no great science is done outside the institution although a great deal of thinking is. But both are collaborative efforts. This is obvious in science but I am struck by the absence of poetic reference among poets although in my case quotations and adaptations are common and indeed ones debt to the past and present are overwhelming, how could it be otherwise?

Work in progress for poetry is summed up by Holderlin “for the holy image we are shaping”. And one turns to another poet for the contrast to science which seems to go on asking more questions. So what does poetry give us? why, a downpour of answers (Tsvetaeva). How is that you ask? Because in any art form if you have a compulsive need to express yourself you will create your own answers.